Saturday, June 1, 2019

Parental Pressure Within High School Students Essay -- essays research

Parental Pressure within High School StudentsI.     I became interested in this topic because my entire schoolman life hasbeen filled with pressure from my parents. This pressure was mainly in schooland grades, and in high school, the amount of pressure increased dramatic ally.This is because my parents now realized that everything in high school countstowards college. When I first came to high school, my grades were not as goodas they were in middle school. I needed a miniscule time to adapt to high schoolbefore I could improve my grades. During this time, my parents became upsetbecause I brought home a report card that was not as good as they were expecting.Then I really noticed the pressure getting higher and higher. I did not onlynotice this with me, but I noticed this with many of my friends. I heardphrases like My parents are going to kill me and Im going to be grounded for10 years many times so when the opportunity to do research on this came up, Ichose this as my subject.II. How does parental pressure influence students in high school? If thereis an influence, is it positive or negative? I would like to do research onthis because it raised my curiosity. For me personally, I do better in schoolif I am steady and have little pressure, but there mogul be students out there atRamapo High School that think differently. These are some of the things that Iwill try to find out through this I-Search.III.     At the beginning of my search, I had a really hard time findingsecondary sources. First, I went to the school library. Since the schoollibrary has this computer program called BELS, there was no need to go to theother libraries. BELS is a program that lists all the books in Franklin Lakes,Wyckoff, and Oakland. It is a ne twork that unites the two public libraries andthe one in Indian Hills. I then went to an article search. I had no luck hereeither. When I went home, I went on America Online to try to find some ar ticlesor any secondary sources. I went to the article search and still found nothing.After a few days, I asked the school librarian to help me find some books. Sheguided me to a section that had books about social problems. Luckily, I foundtwo books on families and parents. These were two good books, but I stillneeded at least one more to fulfill my requirement. I w... ... Kelly states, My whole family is smart, and they all go (or went) to good colleges." In theissue of pressure affecting their school performance, Tyler said that he has agood amount of pressure and that without it, he would probably do worse. Kellyon the other hand, said that she would do a lot better if she had less pressurefrom her parents.Being a good parent meat being there and having confidence in a child.A parent should provide outstretched arms for a safe place when the child mightneed it. The child should be relaxed and should be enjoying school. Maybe thechild will get good grades because he/she wan ts to (Webb pg.25).Works CitedGaillard, Lee Hands Off prep? Education Week 14 December 1994Guetzloe, Elennor C. Youth Suicide What the Educators Should Know. raw YorkThe      Council for Exceptional Children, 1989.Leaman, Kelly - interviewMills, Tyler - interviewRubin, Dr. Jeffrey and Dr. Carol When Families Fight. New York William Morrowand      Company, Inc. 1989Webb, Margot Coping with Overprotective Parents. New York The RosenPublishing      Group, Inc. 1990

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